
7 Colour Logo USB

7 Colour Screen Print USB

Branding of merchandise products normally uses 1 to 3 spot colours or if more tends to be converted to 4 colour process to create the branding required. Normally cost denotes the most effective solution, as the print quality will usually always be high. However we were challenged by one of our clients to produce some branded USB’s using their newly created logo. We immediately knew that their logo wouldn’t reproduce very well using 4 colour process screen print, and advised that it really needed to be produced using spot colours in order to achieve the best result, hence we embarked on producing these USB sticks using 7 spot colours.

NoHa 7 Line Colours breakdown

Now bear in mind that this logo is only 30 x 10mm in size on these USB sticks so the task of registering the colours was extremely critical and had to be perfect. As you can see from the image, the registration was spot on and our very happy client agreed.


If you have any Branded USB Stick requirements in the future please give us the opportunity to quote. Not only will you find us competitive with quick turnarounds, but you can be sure the your branding will be produced to the highest standard.