
A Birthday He Won’t Forget!

T Shirt and Banner

Our good friend and associate Nigel of OrangeStripe Telecom had a double whammy of unfortunate timings this year, as not only did his birthday happen during the Covid-19 lockdown but it was a his milestone 60th too.

However Nigel’s wife Dawn wasn’t going to let that stop her making it all she could for him and engaged with us to create a surprise banner, a mere 4.5 metres wide for him to peer out upon on the morning of his birthday but also a commemorative T-shirt. Not that he or any of us will forget this year in a hurry anyway!

The vinyl banner printed and eyeletted, supplied with bungee cords secretly erected under the cover of darkness the night before and the Direct To Garment (DTG) Printed T-shirt with punchy colours.